a solution.
Can it be? The stink is GONE??? Okay, ya'll, I've done 4 or 5 loads now with this stuff and I'm loving life! Got lots of great ideas on ways to get rid of that rank smell left over in the baby's burp cloths. Some of the ideas I've been able to try, but hadn't tried them all yet. Anyway, I had nothing to lose (ok, 3 bucks!!) when while grocery shopping I spotted this Borax Natural Laundry Booster. Says it specifically helps with stains and odors and sugguests using on baby clothes. Anyway, it's awesome. Our laundry smells great. And I am quite satisfied over here in laundryland. Anyone else used this before?
Love happy endings.
If you're really interested in learning about Borax you can check it out here and here.
-Jen T.