the scoop.
Hi there, I'm Erin. This blog began as a way to keep faraway family and friends updated on our new baby girl. That was over 6 years ago now, and I've continued on using this as a place to collect photographs and memories of my family's everyday lives. It's a place for me to journal and share, and just to keep track what's going on, because, sheesh, how quickly I forget. It's not everything but it's something. I'm married to a funny guy, who's my good friend, and an amazing daddy. He's Dru (aka: Dru-dew, The Hubs) and we have two kiddos; Violet is 5, and Augie is 3. Oh, and we are foster parents as well (just sharing the love!). We've fostered 6 children in the last year and a half and have one little girl with us now. That's been a crazy-wonderful journey all on it's own. I love photography, reading, food, wine, working out, cuddling with my kiddos, cozy gatherings with friends, laughing with The Hubs, and a little bit of Beyonce (oh, yes). I'm a children's book nerd and am currently enjoying exploring the world of home schooling with Violet. I desire to advocate for the poor and needy and to practically care for the hurting, especially children who are so often voiceless in our society. Make yourself at home...Happy poking around! |