the things she does...
This post is dedicated to all of our family who live far away in an effort to help you get to know V's personality a bit more. She does and says so many things that just make her her. Wish you could witness it as she grows and changes so fast! But here is at least a little bit of V. All of these are things she does EVERY DAY. That's why I say they are so her.
Often when I can't find Violet she is snug in a corner or chair enjoying a book by herself...
(Sorry, wish they were't blurry.)
She tries on whomever's shoes are lying around. "CHhchshschchhhh", she calls them. A difficult word to spell to be sure. She holds the CH sound like there are marbles in her mouth. Yes, lots of her words sound like marbles are in her mouth. Especially when she babbles. Another Violet trait. It's so funny!
She sits on the dog like this. I think she wishes the dog would stand up and let Violet ride her like a pony. Alas, Margot always just lays there.
Mostly, Violet can be found gathering things. She gathers and gathers. She pretends she is leaving for work or something. Then I hear this "MMMMMmmm" getting nearer and nearer. She MUST find someone to plant a kiss on. Upon bending down from whatever I am doing to offer my lips she quickly "MMM-Wah!"s and is off with a wave and a "BYE!"
Often when I can't find Violet she is snug in a corner or chair enjoying a book by herself...
(Sorry, wish they were't blurry.)
She tries on whomever's shoes are lying around. "CHhchshschchhhh", she calls them. A difficult word to spell to be sure. She holds the CH sound like there are marbles in her mouth. Yes, lots of her words sound like marbles are in her mouth. Especially when she babbles. Another Violet trait. It's so funny!
She sits on the dog like this. I think she wishes the dog would stand up and let Violet ride her like a pony. Alas, Margot always just lays there.
Mostly, Violet can be found gathering things. She gathers and gathers. She pretends she is leaving for work or something. Then I hear this "MMMMMmmm" getting nearer and nearer. She MUST find someone to plant a kiss on. Upon bending down from whatever I am doing to offer my lips she quickly "MMM-Wah!"s and is off with a wave and a "BYE!"