10 years later

So, it's been 10 years or whatever.

I've been lots of places! Tried many a new-fangaled thing. It's been so great. What a wonder-filled world. What a life! 

But, I have been thinking about you, you, blog-in-my-life, you.

Recently, I'm finding myself itching to write in a slightly more long-form. To take notes and ideas I've jotted down and to work towards developing them a bit more.

And, well, this ol' blog still sits here.

And, it so happens that I was able to sign right back in.

So, hello!

I have some ideas for how this will go. Yet, I'm open. But, I will say, I don't see this being as much a journal of my family's life as it was when I started out. More, a place to share a few...essays? Poems? Photography? I may circle back to some older IG posts where I wrote and comb out those ideas a bit more.

So why not start a new blog? Well, frankly, because I like this one just fine. I have no need for a clear message or a niche. This isn't about a brand, this isn't about marketing myself or generating engagement. That's all lovely if that's your job. But this here isn't my job. This is just me being me. I love what's already here and, well, it feels great to be back.

Lastly, I just have to mention. As I've circled back I can see I've changed. But, in fact, I already knew I changed. I'm so aware of it that it's actually more surprising coming back to my old writing to find many ways in which I've stayed the same. Coming back to myself. Coming back and recognizing myself. 

Gosh. That's cool.


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