can't rewind.

Life is so different now than the four years we spent together before kids.  Yes, we go to bed most nights swapping stories about the kids, saying how blessed we are, how we can't believe how much we love them.  But somehow, at the same time, I miss the old days, too.  Sometimes I miss what it was like when it was just us.  Just two lost kids ourselves, as Dru would say, cuddling me to sleep at night in that Southern California apartment.  Everyday was an adventure, everyday was a date.

I love you so much, Babe.  And I just want to say thanks for sticking out this journey with me.  Thanks for all the time you spend with the kids--not just to give me a break--but because you actually love hanging with them, because you enjoy them so much.  You're the best daddy and husband in the whole world.  I mean it.  You know I do.  Thanks for bringing home dinner tonight.  Thanks for loving me, for loving my flaws, for laughing at me, with me, and for making me laugh.

Thanks for being my friend.


Aunt Mare said…
its a beautiful man that is all that and can belch the star spangled banner. *sigh* ain't love grand? xxoo

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