story of singing and photos of swinging.

He often has a look of concern on his face. Maybe he is our Mr. Stoic? The position of Ms. Silly Face has already most definitely been filled. I like his chill, calm, easy, and yes, sometimes quite serious-ness. He's a cutie. That's all I know. Oh, and handsome. I mean, c'mon! Hand-SOME!!!!

About the singing, though. Just wanted to jot down one if his sweet new stages. He sings. The deal is that whenever it's bedtime I walk around the room holding him and singing to him for a little bit. So, he's caught on to this routine and (I remember Violet doing this around his age as well) he will now hold loooong, drawn out notes of "ma" and "ba" and "nah, nah, nah". BUT, only at bedtime!!! I love it. Love my times with him tucking him in in them evenings. It's like a major unwind time for me. And one of the few times he will lay on me and rest....and, sing.


Sam said…
He is so adorable and yes very handsome! I love the singing precious!!! Hope all is well!

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