two month old little bro.

Augie is nine weeks old now and I took him to our pediatrician for his 2 month well check yesterday. He's over 15 lbs!!!! I just looked back at my post from Violet's 2 month visit and she was 12 pounds (I post their stats and such for record keeping. This blog serves as my baby books/scrapbook/partial photo album etc etc cause I print what I post). We thought she was huge and he's a whole 3 pounds heavier. Sheesh! Aww, I love my big guy. He is such a sweetie. Okay, favorite thing about this stage: waking up in the morning. Don't you love how happy they are in the morning at this age? They're so happy to be alive!! Before he even opens his eyes in the morning he is smiling to the sound of our voices. Like, we are all up and talking, and V has come in our bed and he lays there shaking his head back and forth and smiling for a few minutes before he is even able to fully wake and open his eyes. SO funny! He loves his family. He especially loves Violet. Sometimes I've been changing his diaper in my bedroom and he can hear Violet in the next room playing. No joke, he lifts his chin up, up, up smiling toward the door trying to catch a glimpse of that energetic gal. So cute how he lights up to her presence. If he's fussy I send Violet his way. Problem solved.
Well, his appointment went well. He's healthy and obviously growing. He's a darling little man and has my heart on a string.

Oops, I wasn't being very clear there. I just do the blurb books not any special scrapbook thingy. I meant that the blurb book is my every kind of scrap/baby/photo book all in one. That's about all I can keep up with at this point. :) BUT, funny you mention the digital scrapbooking thing because you actually can do that. I read about it on another blog I read. Here's the link: