playing with snow...inside.

I wanted Violet to experience the snow we are having but seeing that we live in Texas and don't expect snow and that she doesn't even, uh, own a winter coat, well, we just weren't prepared to play outside. Enter Rachel's idea. If you can't get out to the snow, let the snow come inside to you!!!!


Mindy said…
Or you could send her to uncle Tyler and auntie mindy's...we have a yard full! Of course, she couldn't play in it in her Cinderella dress, so maybe inside snow fits more with her style!
Rachel said…
Yay, glad it worked out for you! Definitely better to have inside snow play when you don't own a coat and are wearing your princess dress. ;)
I think that is my favorite thing, seeing her playing with snow all dressed up! You don't see that very often :).

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