
Somebody is jealous of little brother and would like to hold on to the position of "baby" in the family for a bit longer. After things got a little too quiet around here yesterday I went snooping around to see what V had gotten into. Found her cuddling her doll and laying in the baby's crib. HA! By the time I got the camera she was already climbing out. Notice her chair. She drags that thing around the house to assist in getting into what ever her little heart desires...silverware or kitchen utensils that she steals from my kitchen and takes into hers, reaching the baby's clothes stacked high on the dresser in the nursery so she can dress her dolls, washing her hands at all times of the day because that is a very grown up thing to do all by your self when you are 2, and now, climbing in brother's crib. She's funny.
Here's to a little sneak-peek of the nursery, too. I'll post more pictures when it's done. Right now there's still lots of furniture and items in there that don't belong. Need to spend some time organizing in there.
Something I tried to do during holding baby time was read a book to the toddler. It seemed to help to make it a family snuggle time. They didn't feel so left out.
Once when MB was a baby she fell asleep nursing and Joel fell asleep next to me. I sat for 2 hours and let them both sleep. A precious memory!