Princess dress from Grammy.

Testing testing...will the updated app let me post video clips from my phone now???? This could be exciting if it works!!!!!!

-- Post From My iPhone


Callie said… She is so adorable! That was so cute when she started laughing out loud. Can't wait to see her in it on Saturday!
Beth said…
Precious! Oh such memories it brings back of my little girls who are all grown up now. Maybe we'll have a granddaughter some day soon??
Nettester71 said…
that was so fun to watch her open that and how excited she was over each item.

thanks for recording that for have a sweet little girl.
Michelle said…
Oh my goodness... she is sooooo adorable! I love how she put her hands over in mouth in amazement! Oh, I must confess, you sweet V makes me want a little girl! ;)
You've got a gem of a girl, to-be-sure!!!
Unknown said…
She is adorable! I love how excited she was everytime she pulled something out of the box. Sawyer watched it with me and kept saying," I love Violet, she's so pretty. Can she be my Violet." So cute!
Joy said…
I dont know why it had me under Erin's name. The last post was from me.
Bekah said…
Soo cute! I loved how she thought a prince might be in the box...if only it were that easy! sooo cute!

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