lobster night.

When she wasn't sneaking bites off the ears of corn, Violet held the bag while I shucked.

Dru and his live lobster.

Yours truly and my crazy lobster that had a huge "accident" after our photo session together. Nice shot, babe. I love this picture!

Pots of potatoes, corn, and lobster....oh, yum!

The fam around the dinner table.

Now that's a red lobster.

On our night to cook Dru and I decided to make lobster. We'd never done it before so it was quite the experience. Perfect seaside supper.


Anonymous said…
Well, we absolutely had the most fun ever during our vacation, and I wish we could do it every year! And I saw PLENTY of twenty-month-olds there, and I'm going to secretly lobby for 2011! However, Grandpa says 2012...BOOO!...we could both be in wheelchairs by then!! It's a ways off anyway, so we can all relax and enjoy the next 2 years, sleeping in tents in the backyard for vacations. Erin, the pictures are just wonderful!! How do you do it?! I mean the time involved!? Thanks for your hard work.

Dru, are you helping at all?!

Love, Grammy

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