belly shot.

I don't know. I like doing the belly shots. This was between 13 and 14 weeks but by golly I'm already almost 16.


Callie said…
You look so cute. Barely pregnant.
erin said…
True. I barely am. :)
Jessica Rockey said…
Ummm... don't think you can call that a belly friend!!! All of us 'pudgy' readers are totally hatin' right now.
Mindy said…
You're so cute and tiny!
Michelle said…
Are you wanting to see your belly yet or not? For me, with my first I couldn't wait to notice a "belly" which seemed like forever to show up, but with my second, I was not in such a hurry...I knew it would come and when it did, it would feel like forever until it was gone! So silly!
but your "belly" shot looks adorable...can't wait to see more as that baby grows!

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