valentine's day catch up.
Like her t-shirt? Grammy came to visit us over Valentine's weekend so I made us all Valentine's tees.
Grammy's said: "i [heart] violet"
Dru's: "i [heart] erin"
Mine: "i [heart] dru"
Although the day did have it's downers...(we had some serious issues with our dog that needed tending to...made me quite sad. But it did all work out well in the end, and that story I do no feel like going into right now)...there were happy times had by all. Dru's mom babysat and Dru and I had a great time getting out and having some fun that night. I always make x and o pancakes on Valentine's morning. For gluten-free folks here's a plug for Pamela's pancake mix. Best by far. Here's a couple more pictures from the day.
She's doing a happy dance about those pancakes
Later that day Grammy caught this shot of V trying to sneak a snack from the counter. Too perfect, huh?
Try the Pamela's mix and let me know what you think!
That picture up by the top of the blog - where the camera is focusing on Violet from below? Well, except for the Marion/Dru eyes, those nostrils look a lot like LAWING nostrils! When I see that picture it reminds me of me. I left the family dvd there...see if any of my larger-nostril antics as a child remind you of that V-pic! ~Nammy