park and other details.

We've been walking up to the park quite a bit these days. It seems that all of the sudden she can totally take on many of the activities there...not just sit in a swing anymore :). I had a great time just being with her and practicing photographing yesterday. I think that first photo is my current all time favorite photo ever. She just sat there in the swing humming and singing and smiling while I took her picture. Could she be any sweeter??


This morning I was asking V what kinds of things she did with Mimi and Papa last night (they babysat her). I always do this when she had any kind of fun events going on the night before, but usually she doesn't answer back. Instead she'll just mumble or giggle or repeat things I am saying. But today after I said, "What did you do with Mimi and Papa last night?", she replied:

"Um, cuh-wer (color)."

I knew immediately that she had indeed colored, because my dad always lets her play around with the coloring app on his iTouch. It was just too cute that she answered and that she is starting to understand conversation.

In other news, my husband has been so sweet today. The past couple days have just been weird between us. You know how it is. We just keep misunderstanding each other and getting on each other and for some reason just haven't been getting along very well. He came home with red roses today (for Valentine's). He gave me roses once when we were dating but I haven't had them since. It was just sooooo kind, I thought. And he brought home a gift card for me to go spoil myself with...I just want to say that it meant the world for him to spend money on me and to think of me when things are always so tight financially that we rarely do those special things. Material things are not everything...but it sure is nice to be thought of. He made up for the last few days to be sure. :)


Michelle said…
Great shots of V! I love the first one too! And it is SO fun when they can start to really enjoy the park and also when start talking more with you! Watch out...dinner time is about to get loud and you and Dru may have a hard time getting a word in! :)
And way to go Dru!!! I got flowers today too... and not the silly cheap bouquet I usually get (sorry Rob), but pretty pink roses!
Callie said…
She gets cuter everyday, seriously. And cute story about Dru. I love that stuff.
Sam said…
Hey Erin! Your pics are fabulous! You truly have an amazing talent. So glad you and Dru are back on the same page - just in time for V-Day!
erin said…
Sam, I told him about all the wonderful things Jared did and I think it made him feel guilty!! Really! ;) You got yourself quite a man to be sure. Soooo sweet!
Tess Bush said…
Erin I can't believe how grown up Violet it getting. I love the pictures you post...I feel like I can see her cute little personallity! :-)
Sam said…
Thanks Erin! Deployments can be really challenging (as you've read from my blog); however, there is something to be said for the distance that separates us. For some, it may be hard on a marriage but for us it's just the opposite. I realize who I have and how he's a daddy that cares and a husband who loves. You and Dru have something special as well. It's when we can find ALL the little things that we can truly appreciate what we have. The awesome part about our Father is that He gives us an amazing partner in life to share all of our ups and downs with!

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