cute things i don't want to forget.

My daughter is in her playroom right now with my old camera in her hands. She's holding it up to her face, pointing it at a naked, smiling baby doll who's sitting on the floor and V is saying, "Cheese, baby! Cheese, baby!"

A couple mornings ago while she was still in bed and I was making coffee in the kitchen I could hear her singing, "Jee-us, Jee-us, Jee-us"...a song about Jesus.

Now she has wandered in here to the study with her camera so I suggested she look out the window and take a picture of the flowers (I'd recently pointed out the sprouts of our tulips). She walks to the window and holds the camera to her face. "Cheese, flowers!"


Mindy said…
She is so cute! Thanks for sharing these little moments.

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