
" Celebrations are the ritualized interruptions in the continuum of daily life which remind us who we are, where we came from and where we are going."
Milo Shannon-Thornberry, in Treasuring God in our Traditions by Noel Piper
How cool is it that we have a day set aside just to remember to be thankful for all we have? I'm so glad there is Thanksgiving because it is so important. I want to be more thankful everyday and less grumbly. I think Thanksgiving reminds me of how significant giving thanks to God should be.
A few things I'm thankful to God for:
Him. That I have hope and my life has purpose because of Him.
I'm thankful for relationships. Dru and I have talked about what an awesome web of family and friends we have. We know that so many people would be there for us come trials and tough times. We are so grateful for those who love us as we are and love our daughter.
I'm particularly grateful for the general security, health, and well being we have. The older I get the more I realize how rare our lifestyle is. A cozy home, a car, food, growing up in good families. It's uncommon in our world to have all we have.
Just a few thoughts for my day. I'm making pumpkin pies, sweet potatoes, and homemade cranberry sauce and we're heading over to my parents house. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!