...or not.
I feel kind of stupid but I don't think anymore that what Violet has is the chicken pox. Ha, ha...man, oh man. The "spots" never came to be blisters or scabs as the chicken pox should. She was breaking out with more everyday for three days. But now they are going down and barely there. I'd really like to know what she has that is causing this outbreak. It's not some little rash in a small, concentrated area. These were very red, prominent bumps all over her stomach, chest, and a few on her arm pits, arms and hips. I called the doctor and talked to the nurse...she said maybe it's something she ate. Could something she ate do that?? She also said maybe her immune system fought off the chicken pox before they really came to be. Really? I have never heard of that.
People! Tell me what you think. I am stumped.

Violet and I needed a field trip today. We went about town and did some photographing. I think some of these (particularly the Longhorn Steer statues) would be beautiful in early morning light. So I may sneak away early Saturday morning to try some of these again.

People! Tell me what you think. I am stumped.

Violet and I needed a field trip today. We went about town and did some photographing. I think some of these (particularly the Longhorn Steer statues) would be beautiful in early morning light. So I may sneak away early Saturday morning to try some of these again.

Just a couple of thoughts...I remember that the incubation period for them was about two weeks, so I wouldn't be surprised if she has had a light case like the dr. said. When Charlie and I were first married someone we had dinner with (can't remember who...) had chicken pox. Charlie hadn't had them as a child and got nervous cause they are worse as an adult. He got tested for immunity to them and had it. The dr said that he was probably exposed as a child, built immunity but never had the disease. Lucky for you maybe she just had a slight case...but enough for immunity. You could get her tested for it later after she is older if you really wanted to know for sure.
It could still be chicken pox. I wouldn't count it out too soon. At her age a light case is very possible, and would be a blessing. You can get her checked later to see if she has an immunity if you really want to know.
Just a thought.
~Grammy, MSed, MD, and BSr