chicken pox.
"What the...???"

"Hey, Dad, take a look at this!"


Yes, I do believe it's a case of the chicken pox.

Violet actually was exposed to them a couple weeks I'm not surprised by the mild case she's got going on. She's been a little more grouchy than usual, but otherwise doesn't seem to be sick. She's been scratching at her arm pit where she has a small cluster of chicken pox. But she's being a real trooper!
My mind is crammed with all I need to do to prepare for school it has been quite often lately- thus the fewer blog posts. I'm sad that class is coming to a quick end, yet I won't mind having a break from some of the stress. I miss my baby when I'm away from her all day and when I need to be busy working on projects. Makes me so grateful I get to be home with her the rest of the week!

"Hey, Dad, take a look at this!"


Yes, I do believe it's a case of the chicken pox.

Violet actually was exposed to them a couple weeks I'm not surprised by the mild case she's got going on. She's been a little more grouchy than usual, but otherwise doesn't seem to be sick. She's been scratching at her arm pit where she has a small cluster of chicken pox. But she's being a real trooper!
My mind is crammed with all I need to do to prepare for school it has been quite often lately- thus the fewer blog posts. I'm sad that class is coming to a quick end, yet I won't mind having a break from some of the stress. I miss my baby when I'm away from her all day and when I need to be busy working on projects. Makes me so grateful I get to be home with her the rest of the week!