chicken pox.

"What the...???"

"Hey, Dad, take a look at this!"


Yes, I do believe it's a case of the chicken pox.

Violet actually was exposed to them a couple weeks I'm not surprised by the mild case she's got going on. She's been a little more grouchy than usual, but otherwise doesn't seem to be sick. She's been scratching at her arm pit where she has a small cluster of chicken pox. But she's being a real trooper!

My mind is crammed with all I need to do to prepare for school it has been quite often lately- thus the fewer blog posts. I'm sad that class is coming to a quick end, yet I won't mind having a break from some of the stress. I miss my baby when I'm away from her all day and when I need to be busy working on projects. Makes me so grateful I get to be home with her the rest of the week!


Mindy said…
Oh she's lucky to have them now...I had them when I was 11 and it was awful. Glad she isn't seeming too sick! Can't wait to see you all in 1 week!!!!
Anonymous said…
Awwwwwwwwwww! Just don't let the scabs come off too soon... Did she have the vaccine? Just wondering. Can't wait to see you all in a month+ ! Love, Grammy
erin said…
Nope, she didn't have the vaccine. Funny thing is that her little friend who had them last week actually did have the vaccine but still got them and passed them to us!
Nettester71 said…
poor little baby...give her some hugs and kisses from me.
Michelle said…
What a trooper! Glad it's not happening next week though...chicken pox mixed with turkey just doesn't go! ;)

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