25 on 25.

It's my birthday! I'm 25. Thought (since it is my GOLDEN birthday) I would entertain you with 25 fun facts about me...just like Judy did on her big 3-0...cause I thought that was a fun read.

Ok, here we go:

Fact #1: At birth the doctor told my parents I'd be 6 ft tall. I'm pretty sure they laughed at him. Wouldn't you??

#2: He over-estimated by a quarter-inch.

#3: The first time I ever drove on a freeway was in California. On the 15. With the 4 Cabaniss kids in the back seats! (I can't believe I'm admitting that!!)

#4: I've had 3 surgeries.

#5: I've never broken a bone.

#6: When in labor I had 2 epidurals. Count 'em, 1, 2 shots to the back. Neither worked. They say I probably felt everything. I am sure I did.

#7: I was recently at the dentist and it took him nine shots of Novocaine and 1 1/2 hours to numb a single tooth. He told me he'd never given a patient that much before.

#8: I think something's wrong with my nerves!

#9: I love spicy-sweets like pumpkin pie, chai lattes, and gingersnaps with milk.

#10: I don't yet own an ipod.

#11: I have a habit of always leaving the last bite of food or last sip of my drinks. I don't know why. I never noticed this til I got married and it drives Dru nuts!

#12: I bite my nails.

#13: I find it extremely annoying when people bite their nails around me. (Terrible, terrible, I know).

#14: I LOVE Mexican food!!!!

#15: I have a funny q-tip obsession. Sometimes I need to clean my ear with a q-tip like I imagine some people need a cigarette. Gross, I know, sorry.

#16: I've had Mono twice.

#17: In 2001, while in Vancouver with Dru and other friends, I was playing football and had a head-to-head collison with another friend landing us both flat on our backs. I found out I had a concussion several days later. The day after the injury, however, I hiked Grouse Mountain with some friends. The Grouse Grind (as the hike is called) is a grueling climb with an elevation gain of 2,800 feet over only 1.8 miles!!! I mentioned to Dru that my head was really bothering me and I thought something was wrong. I guess he stubbed his toe during the football game cause his reply was, "My toe still hurts from yesterday, so if you hit your head it's no shocker that you're still in pain." Needless to say I was happy to call him up a week later and inform him of what my doctor had found. His toe has healed up okay, too.

#18: I'm 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Norwegian, and also some Scottish, German, and Irish! Okay, I'm a mutt.

#19: I wear Dru's mom's original wedding diamond. She gave it to him on her 25th wedding anniversary saying that's what she'd always planned to do. Dru put it in a new set for me and we were engaged a month later!

#20: I'm terrified of flying. It never stops me from traveling, but the whole flight I swear to myself I'll never do it again. :/

#21: I LOVE documentaries. It's not some attempt to be an artsy-fartsy, smarty-pants. I just really love em.

#22: I've attended 3 colleges.

#23: I don't have a degree.

#24: My appendix ruptured and was gangrene before it was removed. I should have died! Geez, I had a lot a medical catastrophes!!

#25: I'm a closet hip-hop dancer. Skills? No. Training? No. But I can't NOT groove when I hear a good beat. I hold lots of dance parties over here.

The end!!


Christina said…
#18 - don't you love how all the grandkids in our family are mutts? I also enjoy being Italian, Norwegian and whatever the heck else I am (German... and a few other things from my Mom's side). On a related note, Brad has NO idea what his heritage is. Isn't that weird? Undoubtedly, our kids will be/are even bigger mutts than we are :)
Judy said…
I love sweet/spicy things too. Chai lattes are my favorite & pumpkin pie too. Thanks for all the info. about lil' ol' you. I enjoyed it. :)

Oh, I'm a closet hip hop dancer too. Mad hip hop skillz.
Mindy said…
Fun, fun! And I understand your q-tip obsession...I have it too sometimes.
Judy said…
Oh my goodness, duh -- Happy Birthday!
Unknown said…
Wow, Erin...I didn't know! I love to hop scotch too! We should get out of the closet and onto the sidewalk...I'll bring the chalk!
Bethany said…
Happy Birthday. This was funny to read
Sharron said…
Awwwww Maaaaaaann! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY ERIN! You are a sweetie to me, and from what I read of the days in your life.... a great Wife, Mommy, Daughter, Sister, Sister-by-Grace, and more. God bless your next year as you walk in sweet and surprising areas of faith and grace! Love you!
Sharron said…
Oh! Forgot to say I loved your list! Clearly God's Hand is on you my dear. But then, you knew that.....:)
Callie said…
Good idea. I think I knew most of that, but some stuff was new. The things you learn...Happy Birthday!
Lory said…
Oh, Happy Birthday, Erin! It was so fun to read facts about you:)
Beth said…
Love it! Do it again! Great way to get to know you.

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