working hard.

Dru had worked the last couple weekends on putting in this stone pathway around the side of the house. It goes from the side gate around to the porch off the back of the house. This picture is from when he was still digging it out, and you can see the stones set aside of where they are to be finally placed. They are all in place now and we are planning to plant some jasmine (Dru's favorite California smell) and some Knockout's here soon.


I bet it looks great! Can't wait to see the finished product!
I LOVE Jasmine! Is he available for some work in our yard? It sure needs it. Can't wait to see the finished product 2. By the way do you think Jasmine would grow in CO?
Bethany said…
mmmmmm. I love Jasmine too. One of my favorite smells. Say it smells like heaven to me. I have it over the front door here. If I ever moved away I think that the smell would remind me of Cali too. Can't wait to see your path so lovely.

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