a picture from april.

This is a picture I received recently from my aunt and uncle. This is my cousin Bella. They all came to visit us over Easter. I was about 2-3 weeks from delivering and oh man was I feelin' the weight of that baby in there! Was having contractions too...wow the picture brings back all the memories! Anyway, Bella was so fascinated with the pregnancy and wanted to know what it felt like to be pregnant, etc. Then she stuffed a pillow in her shirt and decided to be "pregnant" along with me. I must say I was happy for the camaraderie. I imagine when Violet is about Bella's age she will be tickled by this shot. Love you Bella!


Mindy said…
Awww. That's so cute!
Mindy said…
Oh wait...isn't Bella a cousin, not a niece? I'm new here, so I could be wrong...but anyhow.
erin said…
Oops, ahhh, brain fart. Why am I calling her my niece? Thanks Melinda. I will go edit that now.
Kate Van said…
hehe- she'd carrying her baby a little higher!!!
Judy said…
Ha. I'm sure stuffing a pillow in your shirt is almost like the real thing, huh?

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