happy halloween!!


Judy said…
Oh my goodness! That is so stinkin' cute.
Tess Bush said…
ha ha the cutiest lady bug ever!!
Mindy said…
Awww I love her! And Margie too, though she looks hesitant about her costume.
Jessica Rockey said…
Cute ladybug! Your lil pooch looks embarrassed!
Callie said…
Ohhhh, it's SOOOO cute! I wish I could have seen her in it! I just might have to dress her up again one of these days....
Jody said…
What a doll! Great costume and great pictures! She is so cute!!
Bethany said…
Soooo cute. She is adorable. I love her little cheeks
Anonymous said…
Dear Kids,
We're so happy that you've followed in our footsteps...it's touching, really. Dru, you remember how we would always remind you and Marion, "Kids, remember we're not laughing WITH you, we're laughing AT you.." ? It brings tears to our eyes to see Violet and Margot looking so, well, adorably ridiculous, and to know that you will enjoy laughing at them for a long time to come!! Love, Grammy and Grumpy
Michelle said…
So cute!...Violet I mean! Margo doesn't look quite as happy or sure about her costume. Wish we could have seen her in person...my two little Spidermen would have given her a run for her money on the cuteness factor though! Miss you guys!
erin said…
Ha, Sally, I know what you mean. WHen I showed Dru the ladybug pictures on the blog we both sat there and laughed out loud for about 5 minutes. I love how she's trying to look over at Margot but the hood has fallen over her eyes. She just sits there smiling at her doggie-friend anyway. :)
Kate Van said…
aww! i bet it's so fun dressing your kids up in cute animal/bug or whatever costumes! makes me want a baby!
Anonymous said…
Lily was a bumble bee. We should have taken some pictures together! Maybe next year! ; )


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