tuesday's with mimi.

My mom comes over every Tuesday to help out around here. She will help me clean or take care of Violet while I clean or run errands. It's such a huge help to me. Just when I feel like I'm losing control of this place it's Tuesday again and I know life will calm back down a bit. Thanks, Mom! We really appreciate you!


Diane said…
Oh you know me, just serving the Lord you know, we all need to sacrifice for others. :)
Jessica Rockey said…
WOW! What a young-hot mimi! Aren't you glad that she's near-by? I'm sure you have a different appreciation for your mom now you're a mom yourself... at least that's what I hear. Thanks for your input on my post. What a great concept! Going to church in obedience to Christ! How quickly we get consumed with our own issues.
Back in the spring, I was struggling with a ton of stuff, emotionally and physically, and Eric (Hughes) said something that totally released me from my whole'coming to church' issues. "If God gives you the grace, come." he said. I was definitely M.I.A. for awhile, but it helped me not to base, going to church, on other's.
Hope you're doing well. I've enjoyed being blog buddies.
erin said…
Me too, Jessica...blog buddies :).

I've been MIA before (it was in CA so many don't know about that time) but I don't hide it from anyone either. Glad to hear you're doing better though...and thanks for opening up on your blog!
Solange said…
Hey Erin!! Can I borrow your mom any Tuesday??? jeje!! Just kidding! I am glad you have her close. Thank you God for bringing the Shaw's to Dallas.
Michelle said…
I miss you and mimi! And oh my goodness, little V is growing too fast! She is a doll and I love your pics on flickr! How do you do that...get the link on your blog and put pics on it? Just curious...might want to try it on my blog. I'm too computer savvy so bear with me...I'm learning!
Judy said…
Wow, that must be so nice! Your mom is your mother's helper! Hee hee. How's that for some church-y lingo. :) Violet IS such a cutie though. Ruth talks about her ALL the time. Seriously, she talks about her on a daily basis. Although, she calls her Wiolet. So funny. Every time we go shopping & we see random baby things, she wants to buy it for Wiolet. Ocassionaly, she'll ask "Where's Erin & Dru?". HA! You guys really made an impact on that girl.
erin said…
Michelle, click on my little flickr thing where it says "what is this?" and you can sign up for flickr then make a "badge". You should do it!

Judy, I can't believe our little Ruth loves Wiolet so much. I felt like I bonded with Ruthie too...will ya send her to me so I can give her some lovin? Oh! She could be my mommy's helper...my mom is too good at it...isn't it supposed to be someone I feel like I'm babysitting rather than someone who's babysitting for me??
Katherine M. said…
What a pretty Granma! Diane, you look way too young to be a grandmother. Your little grandbaby is so pretty. I know you all are lovin' life with her!

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