holy guacamole.

Baby food makin' going on in the house tonight. I'm having too much fun.


Kate Van said…
How do you keep that from turning brown (going bad)? Looks healthy and kind'a yummy!
erin said…
Hi Katy Van...they go in the freezer. They ARE healthy and V is slowly starting to find them yummy...not as sweet at mama's milk though!! :)
Anonymous said…
That's so cool making your own baby food!
Anonymous said…
That's so cool making your own baby food!
Mindy said…
Um...yummy?! I'm glad you are figuring out all these healthy, natural baby things. Someday when I have a kiddo I'll just steal all your knowledge!
Bethany said…
Hey where do you get those containers?
erin said…
Bethany, they were given to me but I also found them online here:

Pretty inexpensive and quite convenient!
Judy said…
Yummmm... You should throw a bit of cilantro & lime in there & serve it up with some chips.
Anonymous said…
How do you find the time? You are such a great Mommy! I was lazy and bought organic baby food in the jar! hee hee


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