Mi Casa
Dru took these pictures a few weeks ago of the inside of parts of our house. I thought it'd be fun to post em...probably some of you have never seen it. They're fun because he used my wide angle lens which gets sooo much more in the picture than the regular lens. I love the lighting in these, by the way ;). No flash was used so they're illumated only by the usual lights in the room. This first one is from the living room facing the kitchen. In the second one (facing back into the living room from the kitchen) you can see my in my usual spot...sitting on the couch tapping away on my blog...
This one is the dining room. Down the hall is the kitchen and then it goes straight back into the living room.Dining room, french doors to the study, and the entry.
I'll have to post some soon of Violet's room. Maybe after we paint. We got some furniture though!!! It's slowly coming together. Oh one more that I like...bananas!!
Aunt Mary