Books I'm Reading
Okay I just started 2 new books: The first one I'll mention is called Baby Wise and it's basically about teaching your baby to sleep through the night on their own (versus letting them sleep in bed with you and feeding whenever they want throughout the night). I've talked to lots of people about this book and I'll tell you there's so much controversy!! People either love this method or hate it! It's funny. But I figure I can't agree or disagree until I read the book, then I can form my own opinion and see what works for my family and my baby. I think the best "mom" advice I've received thus far is just not to compare, or feel less (or better) about yourself cause you or your baby isn't like so-and-so's. My theory on why there's so much controversy about this is that mom's don't want to be told they're doing something wrong, or that they're not doing what's best for their kid when they really love their baby! Everybody and baby is different, and what works for some may not for others.
Okay, next book....I'm getting soooo into this one. It's called Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. It is the true autobiography of a man who was one for the United States. Basically what they are is highly paid pros who strategically give huge loans to other countries. The evil in it all is that the US knows these countries will never be able to afford to pay off the loan. So after a few years the borrower becomes "ensnared in a web of debt that ensures their loyalty" to the US. The US will then dictate their payment terms to satisfy their own interest be it, economic, political (actually dictating their UN votes!), or military. Very interesting, and very sad too. These countries have plummeted into severe poverty. Their national debt is so huge that they cannot afford to care for their millions of starving citizens...for some countries the only way for them to increase their income is to sell their land to oil companies which violates their own resources, polluting the water and land and is what makes the people so poor and starved in the first place. I really enjoy books on current, global affairs so this one will have me for awhile, I'm sure. And now, off to my books.
Aunt Mary